Flo's Creations

Thursday, September 28, 2006


I must say this at the start--Of course I'm too young to be a granny. That said...

I love being a grandmother, but when I’ve seen friends my age at the mall with their grandkids, I envy them. And when I hear that friends have their grandkids for a sleepover, I’m jealous. Why? Because my grandchildren live on the West Coast, a long way from Pennsylvania.

However, thanks to a thoughtful gift from my far-away son and daughter-in-law, I can still see and talk to their family regularly. Last night I had an iChat (Apple Computer’s iBook and camera) with Rebecca, Madison & Tyler. 3 ½ year old Madison “read” 1002 Dalmations to me, holding up the book to show me the pictures and pointing out the bad guys. Then she sang the ABC song and Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star. When her Mommy brought in baby Tyler, Madison stroked his head and face. So sweet!

I’m grateful for the times I’ve been able to visit them in the real world, but thank you, Apple, for giving me “the next best thing to being there.”

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Grandchildren are one of life’s extraordinary pleasures. They don’t have to do anything. They’re born and you love them and are filled with the wonder that they have come from a little bit of you. A progeny, a descendant. It’s a wondrous thing to think about while you look into their little faces and feel their soft skin and study their fingers. God is amazing.

His love toward us is like that. Without having to do anything--just exist--His heart is full of joy because of us. Several years ago I participated in a bible study using a book, "Search for Significance." I've gone through it four times since then and each time I grasp more of what I mean to my heavenly Father. Not because I've gotten better, finally learned a lesson here or there, but just because He created me and paid for my redemption. Thank you, dear Father.