Here I am again. Months have gone by without a word, but I am determined to try again, perhaps this time with more consistency.
The Greater Philadelphia Christian Writers’ Conference was worthwhile, as usual. This year I focused on marketing workshops in an effort to learn more tools on how to promote my novel, A Star Rises in Persia. “E Blasts” seem to be the preferred way to contact a lot of people in a short amount of time, but I’m one who hates “forwarded” email messages so I’m not entirely comfortable with it.
Speaking of forwarded emails, a few…a very few…are actually worth reading. I’ve tried to train my dear friends to be ExtrEmly SeLecTive in their choice of jokes or can’t-live-without-stories to send on to me. I, in turn, respect their precious time as well.
I subscribe to a news service that frequently has pertinent information that I would like to forward to people whom I think might be interested, but most often I pass, fearing that I might fall into the category of bored surfers with nothing else to do.
I sincerely hope that my acquaintances will not be offended by my complaints. I am AlwAys happy to receive personal notes from them with a simple “thinking of you today” message, as I often do. I love people, mostly, and thrive on communication. So write back to me, will you?
The Greater Philadelphia Christian Writers’ Conference was worthwhile, as usual. This year I focused on marketing workshops in an effort to learn more tools on how to promote my novel, A Star Rises in Persia. “E Blasts” seem to be the preferred way to contact a lot of people in a short amount of time, but I’m one who hates “forwarded” email messages so I’m not entirely comfortable with it.
Speaking of forwarded emails, a few…a very few…are actually worth reading. I’ve tried to train my dear friends to be ExtrEmly SeLecTive in their choice of jokes or can’t-live-without-stories to send on to me. I, in turn, respect their precious time as well.
I subscribe to a news service that frequently has pertinent information that I would like to forward to people whom I think might be interested, but most often I pass, fearing that I might fall into the category of bored surfers with nothing else to do.
I sincerely hope that my acquaintances will not be offended by my complaints. I am AlwAys happy to receive personal notes from them with a simple “thinking of you today” message, as I often do. I love people, mostly, and thrive on communication. So write back to me, will you?
I would have bought the book just for the picture on the back cover.
"Trust in the Lord with your whole heart, lean not on your own understanding in all your ways acknowlege HIM and he will direct your paths"
Don't worry about what others may think as long as you speak the truth in love.
May the LORD bless you as you seek to lift him up.
PS - You are allowed to change your mind as to mass e-mailing (time saver)
loveoneanother, at 9:13 PM
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